Last update: September 10 2015
News: The Congress partecipation is free of charge
The University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria holds the International Conference Economics, Management and Optimization in Sports: New perspectives", addressed to scientists and professionals of the sports realm.
For three days, recognized scholars and professionals will tackle the problem of the adaptation of sports entities to the changing conditions of the economic, social, political and technological environment. This conference yields a relevant opportunity to analyze, from multiple points of view, the demands that come from the interaction between sports and economy.
The organization invites personalities from the academic world and specialist on the subject to present scientific or empiric investigations that analyze the current economic and financial situations of the sports societies and entities in the changing, unstable and uncertain circumstances we’re living, with the purpose of creating, in Reggio Calabria, a discussion forum with social, technical and economic value.
All the papers presented will be published in a refereed journal and a selection of the best papers will be published in a book edited by Spinger.
The Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria holds the International Conference Economics, Management and Optimization in Sports: New perspectives", for all the scientist and for all the professionals of the sports realm.
The conference will bring together leading experts from various academic disciplines and professionals for a three-day conference including keynote plenary sessions parallel featured sessions and a professional workshop. For three days, recognized scholars and professionals will tackle the problem of the adaptation of sports entities to the changing conditions of the economic, social, political and technological environment. It’s a good occasion to analyze, from multiple points of view, the demands that come from the interaction between sports and economy.
The organization invites personalities from the academic world and specialist on the subject to present scientific or empiric investigations that analyze the current economic and financial situations of the sports societies and entities in the changing, unstable and uncertain circumstances we’re living, with the purpose of creating, in Reggio Calabria, a discussion forum with social, technical and economic value.
Refereed papers presented at the conference will appear in a book to be published by Springer.
Books from previous conferences appeared in
The University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria is a newly built resort that is located in Feo di Vito (north of town).
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